Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts

Thursday 6 February 2014

Microsoft Office 365 used in the field!

One of the great things about my job is that I get provided with a great number of gadgets and software to get things done.

One the main drivers to my daily work life is Microsoft Office 365. I have access to both the full version via my SurfacePro 2 and the mobile version via my Galaxy Note 3.

Firstly I should admit that I don’t often make use of the mobile platform. On the occasion that I do it is to quickly edit or view a document while travelling between jobs (tube not driving!). For this purpose it is very useful and enables quick corrections and adjustments a breeze. I wouldn't want to be writing full word documents or working on complicated excel spreadsheets via the mobile platform. But then it hasn't really been designed for that. It works perfectly for the purpose it was produced.

I am always using outlook on my surface pro 2 keeping in the loop with corporate emails is a must. My calendar is organised and synced via outlook within my employers system. It has been the bedrock of my emailing life for over a decade! While some of the 2013 features were not entirely to my liking I have got used to it.

Publisher is always useful for quickly editing graphics and images that I have collected. I don't really make full use of Publisher but then it isn't really a tool for the work I do.

I seem to spend an eternity working on spreadsheets and word documents. Forming reports and project plans is simple and well used/understood throughout my line of work.

My 9-5 routine is heavily linked into Office 365 and I wouldn't have it any other way. Microsoft has excelled in the production of software for more years than I care to remember. While it isn't always everyone’s cup of tea I appreciate the hours of development and resources that go into making a product that can best serve a huge spectrum of users/customers.

When you consider the flexibility Office 365 provides you can begin to understand why and how Microsoft have dominated for so long.

Thanks for reading MW.